Your hunt for the Cup starts here!
Use the clues below to locate the hidden Cup and taste sweet victory.

Five athletes born in the province hiding the Stanley Cup® captured a medal on the global stage.
In 2014 with less than a day's notice this province hiding the Stanley Cup® prepared for a long day of serving and cheering on the country.
A vast wilderness, surpassing some countries in size, the province where the Stanley Cup® is hidden and nature’s grandeur truly lies.
You could get around the world 12 times with the total distance of highways and roads in the province where the Stanley Cup® is hidden.
Normally a Stanley Cup® Final game only lasts for 60 minutes but in the location where the Stanley Cup® is hidden played the game for over 15,660 minutes.
Among a group of brothers born in the province where the Stanley Cup® is, over half had the honour of wearing the 'C' during their NHL® careers.
The Stanley Cup® is hidden in a province where cattle roam, and their numbers rival those who live there.
From the province the Stanley Cup® is hidden, a leader rose young, shaping history when his term had just begun.
In a province where the past comes alive, a place honours the giants that once ruled the earth you might find the Stanley Cup®.
The province concealing the Stanley Cup® shares its size ranking in Canada with the jersey number of the most youthful inductee to its usual home.
In 2018, a different towering cup made its way to the province where the Stanley Cup® is hidden.
For 8 (eight) years straight a team from this province participate in the Stanley Cup® Final.
Since the tournament was named after one of the Kruger Products® the province in which the Stanley Cup® is hidden in has taken home the gold 4 times.
Where a mammal’s craftsmanship shapes the land that the Stanley Cup® is hidden, its colossal creation spans so wide, it’s visible from space’s distant hand.
In 1940 this province was home to a pretty cold private airport.
Dust rises, crowds cheer, in a place where legends steer is the province in which the Stanley Cup® is hidden.
The province where the Stanley Cup® is hidden is pretty passionate about mining.
The province hiding the Stanley Cup® has two NHL® teams.
There are five junior teams located in the province where the Stanley Cup® is hidden.
One current NHL® Team captain was born in the province where we are hiding the Stanley Cup®.
At the start of the 2024-25 NHL Season, there are only two NHL head coaches born in the province that the Stanley Cup® is located.
In the province where the Stanley Cup® is hidden, the count of its greatest victories mirrors its globally recognized treasures.
The province in which the Stanley Cup® is hidden has produced the third most NHL players out of all the provinces and territories.
Be careful when admiring flowers in this province — you might just get stung by a visitor of its official flower while searching for the Stanley Cup®.
The province that the Stanley Cup® is hidden in is also the home of 14 Art Ross Trophy Wins.
The province in which the Stanley Cup® is hidden has the letter ‘L’ in its name.